Invitation to Watch for Miracles

If you've ever seen a newborn, you've witnessed a miracle

Have you ever seen God do a miracle?  Something that could not be explained in any other way except that God directly intervened to make it happen?

I have.

In fact, I’ve seen God work in so many ways over the years that I’ve lost count of how many times He has directly intervened in my life or the life of someone I know.  I wanted to share just a few of these with you to encourage you to seek God in every area of your life.  He may want to do a miracle, and He’s just waiting for you to ask.  Here’s a few I’ve seen Him do…

1.  More than once, I’ve experienced immediate answers to prayer for help when I’ve been stranded in the middle of nowhere with a broken down vehicle (back in the days before cell phones).

2.  Numerous times over the years I’ve struggled to pay my bills (both when I was single and after my husband, Phil, and I joined our lives in full-time ministry).  So many times, miraculously, God would send an unexpected check in the mail on the exact day it was needed.

3.  One big financial miracle happened when it seemed I would be unable to attend seminary due to the cost.  Out of the blue, I was offered a brand new scholarship (that I hadn’t even applied for) which paid for my entire tuition during my first year.  A month later I began studies at Fuller Seminary.

4.  At one time I had severe back pain and had to go to a chiroptractor for months, but the problem persisted.  It was so bad that I was constantly in pain, no matter whether I was standing, sitting, or lying down.  I attended a prayer meeting and as they prayed over my back, I instantly felt the chronic pain leave my back, never to return  – not even when I was pregnant with our sons.

I could go on and on.  God has answered prayers for help with finances, health, relationships, and seemingly impossible situations.  These kinds of miracles certainly catch your attention.  But I’m growing more aware of the daily miracles He works as well:  A breath-taking sunrise… The toothless laughter of a baby…  A sense of peace in the midst of a crisis…

I love the passage in John 20:30 where it says, “Jesus’ disciples saw him do many other miraculous things besides the ones recorded in this book.  But these are written so that you may believe that Jesus is the Messiah, the Son of God, and that by believing in him you will have life.”

God is constantly at work in our lives, and He invites us to watch for His supernatural actions.  It gives us the courage to trust Him with our whole life when we recognize and remember what He’s done.  Unfortunately, we are forgetful creatures who are easily distracted.  Now that Easter has come and gone, it’s easy for us to get busy with life and forget the miracle of the resurrection.  It’s easy to forget God’s immediate power available through the gift of the Holy Spirit.  It’s easy to go back to business as usual, trying to fix things, trying to take care of problems on my own, trying to get through another day.

But let’s imagine for a moment that we were just witnesses to the very first Easter.

Nothing about life would ever be the same for us.  That was certainly the case for the early disciples.  I”m guessing that in the days after Jesus’ resurrection, they found a new understanding of all the miracles He had done before His crucifixion.  Everything made more sense.  And life would never be the same.

What miracles has He done in your life?  Take a few moments today and remember.  Ask God to show you how He’s been working in your life.  It will truly encourage you as you face the challenges of the day.  Then, I invite you to take a moment and share a comment below – it will bring encouragement to others to hear what God is doing in and through your life.

And if you’d like to check out the miraculous stories of a couple friends of mine, go to: – You can read about how Wendi surprised doctors by miraculously surviving severe burns after a car crash and fire.  Even more miraculous was the emotional and mental healing God also brought into her life. – You can read about how God miraculously freed Carol from a 30-year eating disorder and the after effects of alcoholic parents and abusive relationships.


  1. Linda,
    I’m not sure if I ever told you about our daughter’s health situation that was taken care of by a Miracle from God. When Amanda Lynn went to her 2 year check up, the doctor was concerned because she had not grown an inch or a pound since her 18 month check up. They’re concern was that she may have Cystic Fibrosis. They told us that we needed blood work, x-rays of her hand, arm and chest cavity to check for growth plates and we would have to monitor everything she ate and keep a log while tesing her blood sugar level twice a day for one month. We were referred to Stanford Hospital (very scary thought) and she was seen by an Endocrinologist there. They seemed concerned as well and more blood was drawn to check for low growth hormone. This went on for 6 months with several visits and blood draws and she was a trooper through it all. After a year, we went back to Stanford and they found that Amanda Lynn had grown enough to make up for what she hadn’t gained in those six months PLUS the normal weight and height gain in the following months. No more test, no more blood draws, no fear of Cystic Fibrosis. We give all the credit to God. When we first received the diagnosis, our friends, family and strangers we didn’t know began praying for her. Did she ever have Cystic Fibrosis? Maybe, maybe not. Was there a problem? yes. But God knew what was going on and He had her in the palm of his hand the whole time. God is Good!
    I believe in MIRACLES!!


  2. Great blog Linda and thank you for your adding me on it. Love your website!

  3. I had two “small miracles” yesterday (my hubby says that’s an oxymoron, though). Given my long-windedness, I’ll just share one. 😉

    It was so “small” it could have easily been overlooked. I have been stressed for WEEKS and feeling emotionally overwhelmed by the commitments of my daily life as mom, business owner, women’s ministry director, worship leader — and now entering a new phase of using my writing talents in ministry.

    I’ve been living day to day, not just prioritizing but performing desperate triage. Only doing what must be done RIGHT NOW. Each day is packed. I constantly jot notes to myself during moments of clarity, lest I lose focus and miss important appointments.

    I was out shopping and needed to be home by 2pm to prepare the house and food for my son’s birthday dinner. I wanted it ready before I picked him up from school at 3pm. With all the stores I needed to hit, it seemed impossible to pick up my daughter from school at noon and still be home by 2pm — but I shrugged and just kept moving forward. “A little late will still be okay,” I assured myself. “I can still get everything done.”

    But as I pulled into the driveway at last, I glanced at the clock in the minivan and it said EXACTLY 2:00pm on the DOT.

    Meaningless? Oh, no, my friend. As clearly as if He’d tapped me on the shoulder and put His lips close to my ear, I heard God murmur, “I’m right here with you. Don’t stress out. I’m the master of time and space. Nothing is impossible with me — and I’m on your side.”

    I couldn’t keep the silly grin off my face as I unloaded the car. I KNEW everything was going to be okay. And peace flooded my soul.

    Keep your eyes and ears open! He’s always doing things to show us how much He loves us, if we just pay attention and learn to hear Him. 🙂

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