Ash Wednesday Invitation – Lent Day 1

On this Ash Wednesday,  I want to invite you to join me on a journey…   The journey toward the cross. The journey of Lent. The journey inward to listen deeply for the voice of God, whispering words of conviction and comfort. At my church’s Ash Wednesday service this evening, I will receive the traditional sign of the cross on my forehead, formed with anointing oil and ashes....
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Bloom Where You’re Planted

It’s October 3rd and the temperature is expected to get up to 100 degrees today. Some of my friends have started a “pretend it’s fall” campaign and are posting pictures of  the delicious pumpkin bread they’re baking.  Many of us are longing for a break from the heat, for the return of beautiful autumn colors, for the comforting feel of autumn sweaters, for the...
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Thankful Thursday – Mexico Here We Come!

  I’m thankful this is the last Thursday in June, because that means there’s only two more days till I leave with my family for a mission trip to Ensenada, Mexico.  In just a few days, I will have the joy of sharing the Good News of Jesus Christ with many who have never heard it before. Not only that, I will get to do this alongside my family.  Truly a privilege and a joy! We...
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Thankful Thursday – in the Blink of an Eye

    Today I am thankful for the blink of an eye. That’s what my life on this earth is – a blink of an eye. Whatever pain or struggles I face today will be gone in the blink of an eye.  Even though the pain is real, it is temporary.  “He will wipe every tear from their eyes.  There will be no more death or mourning or crying or pain, for the old order of things has...
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Thankful Thursday – Choices

     On this Thankful Thursday, I’m thankful for choices Turkey or Tuna? Captain Kirk or Captain Jean-Luke Picard? Exercise or sleep in? Mac or PC? Laugh or cry? I’m thankful that our God is a God of choices.  He is not a power-hungry dictator, or a manipulative puppet master.  He offers us the dignity of making choices.   Some of these choices seem...
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