Thankful Thursday – A Long, Loving Look At the REAL

  It’s another “Thankful Thursday.” This means you have the chance to share your thanks and be entered to win a $10 Amazon gift card – along with blessing the rest of us who get to read what you’re thankful for.  Here’s how it works:  between now and the end of June, anyone who takes the time to write something they’re thankful for in the comment...
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Thankful Thursdays – Celebrating the Everyday Holy

God is inviting me to live with more gratitude in my daily life,  and I’d love to have you join me on the journey. This journey to have eyes opened to the holy all around me every day. This journey to grow ever more thankful for the big and little graces of God in my life. This journey to deepen my capacity for joy through my relationship with a good and generous God. How about it?...
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Resisting the Tyranny of the Urgent

Messy house – check. Unfinished to-do list – check.   Guilt and exhaustion – check.  Need for Sabbath – check. As I finish writing this blog (on Sunday night), I’m acutely aware of the many things that are undone in my life.  But I’m also aware of my aching need to be undone by the Lord of the Sabbath.  I need Him to “un-do” the tangles of...
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Permission to Rest

Nearly six years ago, I crashed – big time. I’d been battling fatigue and ongoing sinus and throat infections for years.  I was being held together by caffeine, adrenaline, antibiotics, and homeopathic remedies.  But nothing was working anymore, and I simply fell apart physically. Finally, a doctor correctly diagnosed the underlying cause of my illnesses: Epstein Bar Syndrome, an...
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5 Food Habits that Feed Your Soul

Eating is a spiritual activity – God designed it that way.  So the way we approach our food can help lead us toward God or away from Him. Jesus taught us to pray, “Give us this day our daily bread,” (Matt. 6:11) to remind us that our daily food is all a gift from God and we can trust Him to give us what we need. Here are 5 food habits that can help draw you closer to Him...
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